Privacy Policy
For your information
This Privacy Policy establishes the terms by which Comercializadora SIMBS S. de R.L. (hereinafter “SIMBS”) uses and protects the information provided by its users through this website. Our company is committed to the safety and safe keeping of its users’ data. When you are asked to fill out a form with personal information which can identify you, we can assure you that this information will only be used in agreement with the terms stated in this document. However, this Privacy Policy may be changed or updated from time to time at the sole discretion of SIMBS. We, therefore, recommend that you review this page each time you visit our website to ensure that you are be bound by such changes. BY USING THIS WEBSITE YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REGARDING ITS USE.
Collected information
Our website may collect personal information, to include, without limitation, information such as: name, contact information, e-mail address, demographic information, etc. Also, when necessary, we may require specific data to process an order, and make deliveries or billings.
Use of the information collected
Our website uses this information to provide the best possible service to our users, and most particularly to keep users’ records on orders (if they apply), and to improve our products and services. Periodically, e-mails could be sent through our website with special offers, new products and other advertisements that we consider relevant for you, or that could provide you a benefit. These e-mails will be sent to the e-mail address you provide and can be cancelled at any time.
Your privacy is of the utmost importance and SIMBS is very committed to keeping your information secure. We use advanced systems and update them constantly to make sure there is no unauthorized access to this information.
A cookie is a small file which requires permission to be stored on a users’ device. When permission is granted and the file is stored, it provides information on the user’s web behaviors, and helps future visits to a recurring website become easier. Another of their purposes is to help websites recognize a user individually and offer him a better service.
Our website uses cookies to identify websites visited by a user and their frequency. This information is only used for statistical analysis, and it is permanently deleted thereafter. You can delete cookies from your device at any time. However, cookies help websites provide you with a better service, and will not reveal information about you or your device unless you provide it directly.